Wednesday, November 03, 2004


1. Having anatomical structures or physiological processes that are replaced or enhanced by electronic or mechanical components.

2. Having extraordinary strength, powers, or capabilities; superhuman.

Over the last few days I have been offending everyone I talk to, breaking everything I touch and losing everything I play. Quite stressful really.

I’m kind of resigned to it now and all this bad luck is quite a good distraction to whinge and whine about and also makes a change from me complaining about dying.

Mum is having a pacemaker installed today, now almost the whole family has some kind of bionic part in their body. She was in good spirits and was joking about doing some damage to C to make a complete bionic family.
However, she did almost neglect to even inform both C and me that she was even going into hospital today. We only found out by accident.

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