Thursday, November 24, 2005
Soothing Harmonies

Had a headache for like 2 days, I tried everything; I drank more water, then I drank more coffee, then I took some codeine, then I had a couple of beers, then I slept, and I woke up and still had headache? So I put my headphones on, and randomly Simon and Garfunkel came on, and my headache was gone :)


The serial killer thing that Tg posted about here is really bugging me. She left out a couple of things, like the fact that this guy said ‘Don’t get in your car without checking the backseat girls’ and ‘I’m going to get myself a number plate that says - SA the SERIAL KILLER state’.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night cause I heard a noise out side, and I got up to got to the toilet and the front door was wide open, and cause it was the middle of the night I freaked out and thought that serial killer might have come in to Tallandoon and be wreaking havic somewhere. I actually took 5 mins to decide whether to shut the front door or not cause if he was inside already, surely that only makes the situation worse, or he could be lurking just outside the door waiting to pounce just as I got close. I didn’t get back to sleep properly all night because I was listening so hard for the serial killer.

In other news

Who knew that oranges were going to be the next big thing..

Thursday, November 17, 2005

(15:22:32) Jn: im going to loose wait
(15:22:33) Jn: eat less

(15:22:37) Jn: instead of Yiros Packs
(15:22:41) Jn: i'm just gonna have Yiro
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Ooooo, Adelaide… everybody’s here..

So with the Harry Potter, Ronald Dumsfeld and the ‘The Ruler’ of UAE Sharjah all in town on the same day, it seems that Adelaide is definitely everyone’s favourite Spring retreat.

If you wanted to send a message to hit home in the hearts of those in the UK, the fears of those in the US and the non-extremities of those UAE then tomorrow would definitely be the day to strike.

In more important news..

Got a call tonight about my Nanna’s nursing home’s Christmas Party being held next week. I had to make the tough choice between ‘Baked Barramundi topped with prawns and a white wine cream sauce’ or ‘Traditional roast of Turkey, Ham and Pork with all the trimmings’. As if that wasn’t tough enough, then I had to choose between ‘Pavlova with Berrie Brulee’ or ‘Traditional Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce’. I love Christmas.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Three syllable words don’t make for good chanting.

Went to my first protest today. It was kind of exciting, big screens, lots of banners, chanting, drums and flags. Quite moving really to see a bunch of big beefy tradesmen joining forces with a few greeny leftys, throw in the nurses and midwives along with some middle aged hippy types, all the major church leaders and most importantly Tim from Big Brother and you have yourself a top notch protest (well apparently it wasn’t quite as good as the anti-war one, but I thought it was pretty impressive).

I never realised that there were so many political bikies, but naisays:

NTEU = nerds
MTU = bikies

So surely when you get nerds and bikies united together they are a force to be reckoned with? Well I guess we’ll see.

In other news..

Sometimes despite thinking you are the observant one, you are actually the one being observed.

Met some guy at supermild the other night and he referred to a brief encounter with tg at the Grace one night as ‘incident no. 14 - the straw that broke the camels back’ in reference to his relationship at the time. Tg said all she did was say hello.

He went on to ask us the following question

‘So what is a girl looking for in a guy? Cause basically guys are looking for two breasts and a vagina’

So I said

‘So if you see girls as just two breasts and a vagina, when you look in the mirror do you just see a dick?’
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My sister is gonna be a wifey, Tg is finally cutting her ties with Port Adelaide and moving into the city and Mtb has her own 32 count aerobics routine!

I got a call late Sunday night whilst nursing a hangover and in the middle watching I love huckabees just after watching Napoleon Dynamite (best bit = Uncle Rico throwing a steak at Napoleon on his bike, hahahaha) – we were actually trying to get Old School but went to Keno video and apparently they don’t have a general comedy section cause there’s not enough room in between their ‘pretentious’ and ‘more pretentious’ sections, or so their fucked off customer service assistant told us (who was wearing a crystal and listening to some extreme new age music) .

anyway I got a call from Nic and after some general chit chat he asked me for my blessing cause he wanted to marry my sister! Apparently after spending the weekend on the road with the band, he came back and asked her to be his wife pretty much immediately. Who can blame him, she would look (and smell) pretty damn good after more than 24 hours of closeness with Ntr ;) Anyway, a big YAY for them.

In other news…

Made pizza’s on Friday night and they seemed to inspire a lot of great ideas… like Pinza – the ultimate combination of Pinball and Pizza.

Went to see the Merchants of Bollywood and saw some good bollywood dancing, along with some of the most hideous Fabio inspired indian man hair ever and far too many men in gold pants, the girls looked good though.

My Photo
Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

New ~~~ site
Rk 1 . Rk 2 . Rk 3
Foundations of Love


~~~ is here now:  http://www.tildaa.blogspot.com 

What happened to ~~~ Well basically I got hijacked...

Soothing HarmoniesHad a headache for like 2 days, ...

Sacrifice(15:22:32) Jn: im going to loose wait(15:...

Ooooo, Adelaide… everybody’s here..So with the Har...

Three syllable words don’t make for good chanting....

Congratulations!My sister is gonna be a wifey, Tg ...

Money for marmaladeSo work has truly turned into t...

Chim chim cheriiJn got it in his head he wanted to...

SouthparkThe Thompsons: ‘You may not have realized...


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