Wednesday, September 01, 2004
The Barer of Bad News

If you’ve ever received really bad news, you will know that it changes you forever from the instant that you hear it, so as a result, it is a good tactic to avoid any potential bad news for as long as possible.

Came home and there were 3 missed calls from an unknown number and also Barter saying someone rang up and really wanted to speak to me but he couldn’t remember their name. He said it sounded like Missi, but was a bit weird, like misty, or marissa, or marita or something and that it was fairly important, and he had never heard the voice before.

I refused to call back because it felt like it was going to be the barer of bad news. Why else would someone call me so persistently from out of the blue?

Last time this happened it was all ok….(flashback)

I was at my parents house and M and K called me 4 times during dinner asking when I was coming home cause they had to tell me something!! How stressful is that, I was nearly crying by the time I got home, cause I couldn’t tell if they were going to tell me that someone was dead, or that K was up the duff (a suspicion I had based on nothing). Turned out K had been knocked up after all, so it was all good, but a very stressful couple of hours.

….(end flashback)
However this does not make up for the life changing bad news incidents that I am basing my avoidance policy on.

Anyway, the next day I answered the mystery number and it was just N wanting to borrow my snowboarding gear. Phew!

So, no harm was done by avoiding the call, and if it had been bad news, I would have saved myself 24hrs of it, hence my avoidance policy stands.
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