Monday, August 23, 2004

Went to after work drinks again. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a very bad idea. Clearly it is not good that I can’t remember James leaving and I can’t remember a number of conversations and plans I apparently put into place. I do remember making A drive me to Marcellina’s to get coffee, running into an ex-student, being introduced as Miss H and giving a stranger a lot of shit about the way he had tied his shoelaces.

I didn’t carry out any of the plans I put into place on Friday – sorry to anyone who wanted to go bowling, get dressed up or go out to dinner for bday.

K came down from the hills again. She had a vid of the bub and it’s a boy! We went to R’s and he put it on DVD. Bub has two arms and two legs and a footprint measuring 3.5cm. Bub was very forth coming in the vid to spread his legs and display his boyhood.

Went to the Dave McCormack polaroids + Gentle Ben and his sensitive side gig. It was the best gig I’ve been to in a while, sounded good and very entertaining. Gentle Bens set was less gentle than I expected. Dave McCormacks set was a little bitter-sweet. Reminded me a lot of friends that I wish were still around, but aren’t. Dave seemed to sing a lot of songs about my lost friend, some of them nice, but some of them like “if you leave me, I will hunt you down and kill you” is not so funny when it actually happens. So I wish it could have been slightly different and that there was one more in the very party like crowd. At about this point I decided it would be a good idea to catch up to tg on the drinks front. Shifting from beer to double caffeine based drinks was definitely a step in the right direction.

Moved on to Fowlers as did most other people including our favourite bouncer and the guy with the bad shoelaces from Friday night. Danced a bit and then stayed out too late. Saw J (aka Liam Gallagher) have arguments with at least three different people – one of them tg. I lost my voice which made arguing a bit tough. A taxi driver refused to take me home because it was a short fare. So I said “I hope this happens to your daughter one day and she has to walk the dangerous streets alone, and then something really terrible happens to her”. Well… actually I didn’t say that.
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