Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Not as soft as a nicebun

How good was the weekend, although I still didn’t get around to doing my china photos and framing my china pictures, it was a perfect balance of family, friends, party and baking.

Friday night had drinks with Mtb work friends at the cavern, Wendy offered some tips on how to deal with work colleagues that reflect your bad qualities back in your face. Well, I’m not sure if this is my situation exactly, but perhaps I’ll give it a go.

Saturday went to lunch with Js and used the new vacuum cleaner on my bedroom. It sucks a fair bit, even from the sides. It has a second engine in the head that pulls it along by itself.

Met Kate and Amy who are over from Sydney for their birthday having dinner with my sister and their crew. Ten blondes all having dinner, looked pretty funny.

Then picked up a Bgsy who was wandering the streets (apparently coming from watching the soccer at the Rosemount, which is coincidently the same direction as 108) and headed to mojo for a quick game of foos, then to supermild for dancing. So much fun, lots of dancing, ‘the greatest band in the world’ guy nearly kissed bgsy again, but then settled for a man-style hug and I told some irish guy that Js was 2m tall. Tg and I kicked on to milehigh for a nightcap, brushed paths with gerling, then I realised I’d lost my phone, so thinking it was a stoopid suggestion, we called it and the bar chick answered and we went and picked it up on the way home :) clearly my luck is changing for the better, cause we won netty last night too!

On Sunday, Mum and dad stopped in for a coffee and some cake, mum’s new pacemaker seems to be working a treat, I still can’t believe they install them with only a local anaesthetic. However, she has had to change her lifestyle a little, as the user guide explicitly states you should not “go hunting with a rifle, play golf, or go fly fishing” for a couple of weeks after the procedure.
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