The whole is less than the sum of it’s parts
Today is my birthday. I turned 27, I got 2 happy birthday calls before 8am :), and my application for a virgin credit card was unsuccessful :(
I went through nine stages of grief again and during the anger stage I called the toll free information number, by the time I was taken off hold, I was into the depression stage and I was unable to give them a piece of my mind as I had intended.
The virgin girl went through all the details of my application again and at the end she said:
“Yes, I’m sorry but you have been unsuccessful”.
So I asked her why and this is what she said:
“There was no particular reason for your application being unsuccessful, it is just the overall assessment was not good enough”
Then I asked her if it was anything to do with my credit history and she said
“No, it was no particular section, it was just the overall assessment”
And then I asked her a number of other questions and she just kept saying
“it was the overall assessment”
So, I was clearly in a better overall financial situation 10 years ago when I got my first credit card. I seem to be going steadily backwards.
Went to after work drinks again. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a very bad idea. Clearly it is not good that I can’t remember James leaving and I can’t remember a number of conversations and plans I apparently put into place. I do remember making A drive me to Marcellina’s to get coffee, running into an ex-student, being introduced as Miss H and giving a stranger a lot of shit about the way he had tied his shoelaces.
I didn’t carry out any of the plans I put into place on Friday – sorry to anyone who wanted to go bowling, get dressed up or go out to dinner for bday.
K came down from the hills again. She had a vid of the bub and it’s a boy! We went to R’s and he put it on DVD. Bub has two arms and two legs and a footprint measuring 3.5cm. Bub was very forth coming in the vid to spread his legs and display his boyhood.
Went to the Dave McCormack polaroids + Gentle Ben and his sensitive side gig. It was the best gig I’ve been to in a while, sounded good and very entertaining. Gentle Bens set was less gentle than I expected. Dave McCormacks set was a little bitter-sweet. Reminded me a lot of friends that I wish were still around, but aren’t. Dave seemed to sing a lot of songs about my lost friend, some of them nice, but some of them like “if you leave me, I will hunt you down and kill you” is not so funny when it actually happens. So I wish it could have been slightly different and that there was one more in the very party like crowd. At about this point I decided it would be a good idea to catch up to tg on the drinks front. Shifting from beer to double caffeine based drinks was definitely a step in the right direction.
Moved on to Fowlers as did most other people including our favourite bouncer and the guy with the bad shoelaces from Friday night. Danced a bit and then stayed out too late. Saw J (aka Liam Gallagher) have arguments with at least three different people – one of them tg. I lost my voice which made arguing a bit tough. A taxi driver refused to take me home because it was a short fare. So I said “I hope this happens to your daughter one day and she has to walk the dangerous streets alone, and then something really terrible happens to her”. Well… actually I didn’t say that.
Nine stages of Grief
Apparently James has left and gone to china.
Rk mentioned this in passing today.
My reaction
Shock – what?
Denial – really? No he hasn’t.
Anger – how could he not even mention this! I saw him last night, how hard is it to say “im leaving tomorrow”
Distress – im supposed to meet up with him in hong kong, how am I going to find him, this is a disaster
Guilt – maybe it’s my fault, maybe I should have asked him if he was leaving tomorrow, maybe I haven’t been showing him enough attention
Depression – pause, maybe james doesn’t like me anymore, pause,
Bargaining – if you can bring him back god, I promise ill do better
Acceptance – oh well
Reaching out – James, can you email me and tell me where you are please.
Rk said maybe it’s because I’m too taxing.
Went to the Exeter for an hour or so for a couple of post work drinks and when I got home my clothes smelt like smoke so bad that I left them outside my room on the banister.
Called tg to see what she was doing and she just happened to be downstairs outside my front door ringing the doorbell (that doesn’t work) at that very moment.
Went to fowlers and seriously stacked on the way in and now there is a big bruise on my back.
It’s funny when you catch people off-guard who are usually very confident and even sometimes slightly arrogant, and then they act very nervous and weird.
Went to grace and it was nice and warm as usual. Some guy said tg was very blasé and it was a shame that she didn’t have any time for boys but he was going to call her anyway.
Went to mojo and the bouncer looked hypothermic. On closer inspection he did have a very cold face.
There was a peter styvesan counter set up and I think they were giving out cigarettes for free, but this is unconfirmed. Anyway, it was depressing to see two promo girls trying to kill everyone and also contributing to the pile of smoky clothes on my banister.
Went home after beating some really young guys on the foos table, they looked like they were having a lot of fun before we came along and then when we left they just looked kind of like two little kids would look if they had been happily playing cards with their pocket money and then Johnny Chan came along and took it all in one hand, it didn’t feel good at all and wasn’t really fun.
K came down from the hills for some dumplings. B commented that the waitress looked really cold and K said ‘well if she actually did some work she might not have that problem’ and she had a point considering the history of service received. K also said she thinks she felt the head of her baby and she has also never felt so sick and unhealthy in her life as she has since she’s been pregnant. K’s belly is not that much more of a fatty since last week. Next week we find out if its an Oliver or a Mia. My money is on Mia.
Spent the rest of the afternoon teaching K and S how to play texas holdem’ which was pretty fun and pretty useful cause then S finished up joining the tournament in which she came close to taking out her sensei on a couple of hands.
Korean BBQ for dinner which was ok, but our rocks weren’t hot enough so took a while to get something to eat that wasn’t likely to result in salmonella, although, the children on the table next to ours didn’t seem to have this concern or at least their hunger made them blind to the fact that they were eating raw chicken. They must have had cold rocks too.
Tournament was good poker. I came third and so now I think I’m really good. But I’m not quite at the stage where I’m gonna buy a book yet or develop a formula.
Cant wait for the next game though.
N a i said he has an agenda, but he wont tell me what it is.
Ran into a family friend the other day that I see reasonably regularly and I was talking to her and she was wearing a baggy t-shirt and I couldn’t see her arm, it looked like she had had it amputated and I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying cause I thought she had lost her arm. We must have been talking for like 15 mins before she took it out from behind her back. I cant remember anything she said.
A sarcastic person has a superiority complex that can be cured only by the honesty of humility.
(10:40:10) r k: busy morning, time to count words in a post ? :)
(10:40:41) d: yah, i counted them one by one, it took me like an hour and a half
(10:40:46) d: thats what i call busy
(10:41:02) r k: im sure you put them in word counter
(10:41:04) d: did you check it
(10:41:06) d: was i right?
(10:41:15) d: hoh
(10:41:18) d: word counter
(10:41:25) d: i should have thought of that first
(10:41:28) r k: i didnt check it but isnt that what you did ?
(10:41:34) r k: obiouslt not :)
(10:42:20) r k: you mean you counted one by one , really ?
(10:42:37) d: yeh pretty dumb!
(10:42:47) r k: at least you got it right
Super Mail
Cb mentioned how nice it is to get real letters the other day, usually I hate real letters cause they seem to all come from various superannuation funds that I apparently have accounts with, but yesterday I got one that reminded me what non superannuation mail feels like.
I got a letter from my sponsored child saying ‘thankyou sponsor’ and a really neatly coloured picture of a flower, and some writing saying ‘My hobby is ….’ And he had filled in ‘bat’. I’m pretty sure he is talking about cricket cause I don’t know how many bats there are in India. There was also a photo in which he is trying to look very serious and is wearing beige tailored slacks that are way too big held up with a belt and a Calvin Klein T-shirt. I wonder if Calvin Klein is a sponsor too.
Hair Stare
Things people have said since i had my hair cut:
Oh my god, you’ve really had something drastic done
Ha hahaha hahahah you look like your baby photos hahahah hahahaha
Aaaahhh, look at you, that looks sooo good, I cant believe it actually suits you
I have already forgotten what you looked like with long hair
Ooooo, very teenager!
I don’t know, I just don’t know what to think of this new hair of your’s