Ooooo, Adelaide… everybody’s here..So with the Harry Potter, Ronald Dumsfeld and the ‘The Ruler’ of UAE Sharjah all in town on the same day, it seems that Adelaide is definitely everyone’s favourite Spring retreat.
If you wanted to send a message to hit home in the hearts of those in the UK, the fears of those in the US and the non-extremities of those UAE then tomorrow would definitely be the day to strike.
In more important news..Got a call tonight about my Nanna’s nursing home’s Christmas Party being held next week. I had to make the tough choice between ‘Baked Barramundi topped with prawns and a white wine cream sauce’ or ‘Traditional roast of Turkey, Ham and Pork with all the trimmings’. As if that wasn’t tough enough, then I had to choose between ‘Pavlova with Berrie Brulee’ or ‘Traditional Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce’. I love Christmas.