Thursday, July 28, 2005
Splendid Weekend

Well, it was pretty damn good! Byron bay is beautiful...

The venue was muddy...

Met some guy called shaaaayyynnne who helped us out who was from the mid-coast and likes queens of the stone age and hilltop hoods, but then surprised us with his secret love of Belle and Sebastian. Went to his campsite to find his friend passed out in the back of the car and a blow up doll on their tent.

Then we saw mercury rev and it was amazing...

Sunday was like 4 hours straight of Doves, Blocparty, Interpol and Finn Bros. Doves were alright but nowhere near as good as what was to come. Blocparty were the biggest party ever, they seemed pretty stunned that the crowd new all their songs. Interpol were really good. Finn brothers were a nice end to the day playing lots of crowded house and split enz stuff resulting the crowed alternating between coordinated swaying and jumping up and down.

After all the excitement we headed back to town so everyone could lose to me at pool, but it seems that tg had a good excuse for playing so shite, cause by the time we got back to our room, she was having such bad chest pains that we had to take a trip to byron bay emergency department.

sidenote - could this be matt’s bad influence?? since he came on the scene as a pair they have made two trips to emergency, put a hole in the floor, broken a bed, broken a shower and required the use of my first aid kit.

Anyway, Dr Alan started examining her, and I nearly fainted (so much for being over my phobia), but he said her heart was ok and that it was probably pleurisy?? or a pulled muscle and that the best thing for both conditions was to take a couple of neurofen and hope it doesn’t get any worse…

and now we're back in good old adelaide :)

i like how you refer to your lives as a 'scene'. lemme tell ya lady, its one of the lamest 'scenes' i have ever been in. im used to people with cool hair and flared pants.
Yeah I like the SPIT-ENDS also, I really don't like it when I came home after one of there gigs all gooey and wet, I leave that to the crazy horse coz they're better and wetter!!!
A hole in the floor, brocken a bed and the shower!!!! My god, they must be going at it like rabbits.
Thoroughly enjoyed the photos. Wish there could be links to larger pics. Not a criticism just a genuine call.
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