Monday, July 11, 2005
Spitting in the dark…
So, the spitting in the dark experiment is finally over, phew. It was surprisingly tough to stay home for two Friday and Sunday nights, sit in the dark, wear sunglasses, relax and take saliva samples every half hour. It was so boring. Definitely earned my $250 guineapig wage.

Did anyone else get wet on the weekend…
So as everybody who’s come within 50m of jon knows, jon has had a cold all week, and a ‘fever’, and a sore back, and been sweating a lot so on Saturday (the really rainy day) he thought it was a good idea to put our quilt and all our pillows outside to air… in the rain… the pouring wet rain…

On Friday we had to stay home for the sleep study spit collection thingo, and so thought ok, we’ll play some poker so that we don’t look so out of place wearing our sunglasses inside at night. Good plan that was, tg went all-in on a short stack with KK, I finished up all-in with QQ and B all-in with JJ, sounds like it should have turned out alright, with tg trippling up, me getting the side pot and B going home with tail between his legs. But I forgot to mention that on the flop fell his J to give him trips and knock both tg and I out in the same hand, all before 10pm! So, what are a couple of girls to do now, with the lounge room occupied and not allowed to leave the house? Well, we had our own sunglasses-at-night party in my room with tg sorting through our 191gig mp3 collection (smaller now that the likes of Norah f**king Jones and other wedding singers have been removed finally) and me taking down (well nearly, 2nd is pretty good at this stage) a $20 online tournament to start my new poker comeback success story…

Saturday night, went to the Prince Albert for a few quiet ones and stayed for some nice wholesome adelaide bands. Had another funni ladies toilet incident, walked in and these two girls started speaking in French. I never knew the Prince Albert attracted such a multicultural crowd, cause tg said that when she went to the toilets there were also two girls speaking in French?? Quand cette manie française entière a-t-elle commencé, et pourquoi est-ce que n'importe qui ne m'a pas indiqué à son sujet? I think my ‘c**ksucker’ craze was far more interesting, but it didn’t seem to take off in the mainstream, hahaha, but I guess I can’t compete with the more ‘romantic’ languages.

Nothing. But in relation to eating rhubarb crumble on sat night, B's grandpa was right:
Kidney stones affect mostly middle-aged and older men. You increase your risks if your diet is low in phosphates or protein or you eat a lot of food that's high in substances known as oxalates. Among the foods that have oxalates are coffee, black tea, rhubarb, sorrel, spinach, lamb's-quarters and purslane. Herbal formulas with rhubarb or sheep sorrel may contain more oxalates than would be beneficial.
What the hell are sorrel and lambs-quarters?

My sister and nic are back from Vietnam!!! What did i get while they were away? Nothing. No postcard, no email, and only that one group sms when they arrived, there better be some cheap tacky souvenirs waiting for me when I go visiting tonight…

In other news...

I rearranged our lounge room and I have votes to keep it like that from nai and mtb so far. J is undecided and tg doesnt like it.

We have weavels in our pantry and maybe moths in our linen cupboard, tg got her sheet out and it was basically shredded!

Nai continues to be drivers-licence-less and I arrived home on sat to see him riding his bike home from the football in the rain, he was so wet and cold :(, good thing we had a fire burning that day, it got lots of use.
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