Tuesday, July 05, 2005
C**k Suckers
Well, still feeling about 63% health. Two days off last week were good, but I still feel no good. I spent most my time watching the whole of series one of Deadwood and have since been trying to stop myself calling everyone a mutha f**king c**ksucker. Although, sometimes ppl are c**ksuckers, so if I have called you that lately, then don’t think that this is in any way a f**king reprieve.

It was all rouge and tiaras in my day…
Nannas 88 now and going strong, good on her I say, must be pretty tough really. Mum rang me 3 times to organise lunch, mum said she was thinking the Hilton or Hyatt, then finishes up settling on the Buckingham Arms!! How you go from the Hyatt buffet, to the goddamn Buckingham Arms, I don’t know. Oh well, I guess everyone seemed to have a good time regardless of the fact that the custard skin was impenetrable and the vegetables were all cooked to a soup. Nanna kept urging jon to eat more pudding and ice-cream because he is too frail, which I whole heartedly agree with and perhaps if he took her advice he wouldn’t be lying in bed moaning about having some kind of bs he calls a ‘fever’ right now.

Search for wisdom
Jn’s mum says it’s not easy being jn’s mother. She says that she knows she is a good mother, but wants to be a wise mother, and it’s very hard to be a wise mother to Jonathan.

Taki aki
Taki got locked in the house sat night, or so the smell seemed to indicate.
Hmm, lets find where Taki pooed…Oh there it is, 4 hours later, found it buried in Barters T-shirt.

Brunatex + No through road

Exeter on Friday night was packed, I remember mtb telling me she was in the toilets and some girl couldn’t wait and had hitched up her skirt and pissed in the sink… eeeewwwwww… some ppl are just c**ksuckers. Apart from that and a few other annoying c**ksuckers it was a good night.

and finally.....
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