Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Bread and butter pudding is Prince Charles’ favourite dessert

Dinner last night thanks to J’s parents, yummmm, crab bisque, then roast lamb, then bread and butter pudding...

J: Coughing
Jmum: I have some medicine for you, it’s very famous Chinese medicine, its really effective, everybody in china takes this medicine and they get better
J: I don’t want it
Jmum: Come on jonathan, I don’t want you to get pneumonia, look at you, you don’t even have a jumper on, you must be cold, why do you walk around like that jonathan, you know everytime you get sick your lungs get weaker and weaker, you know what your grandma used to say to me, she would say
You are cold without your clothes and your clothes are cold without you, but together you are warm.

Jon’s mum brings out this bottle of thick black goey stuff with a chinese label
J: What is it... I’m not taking it.
Jmum: Jonathan, everybody takes this, I love this, two year olds in china love it, come on jonathan, you need to take care of yourself, take the medicine, I don’t want you to get pneumonia
J: takes medicine
Jmum: Come on jonathan, finish it… clean the spoon, jonathan, clean it... clean it...
J: There is no way I’m finishing that.

awwww.... :)
wow 2 posts in 2 days! we are blessed with your great and fascinating insight into your boring life.
f**k off then
Do you ever run out of Jon stories?
As the candy hearts poured into the fiery quasar, a wondrous thing happened, why not?
You would like to think I was, but no, I'm just looking for an interesting story.
...a story of unrequited internet love and cryptic anonymous notes...

...or maybe you should just go put on your wizard hat and robes and make someone elses blog more boring than it already was...

..Now, open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain..
you've always got a good story to tell
when you die well
Mum is actually spelled mom, but its ok that you dont know how to spell. God hasn't told you. you and your influential mind should join our church and be saved.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Even More Latter Day Saints
Perhaps you don't realise the British spelling is different from the American spelling. Anyway god doesnt exist, and if he does your probably going to hell. Hope i spelt hell correctly. You and your influential mind, should find something better to do. Have a nice day!
hahahah, god hasn't told me how to spell mum! jees, good thing he told me how to spell c**ksucker
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