Friday, August 05, 2005
Tg’s bday

Overall a good night. Photo’s were a bit disappointing though… someone got hold of my camera and tried to make something they referred to as ‘art’…

Seriously, what the hell is that, these photos don’t capture anything of the emotion or atmosphere that was tg’s bday. Where is the essence of the moment…. I want the essssseeeeennnccceee!

Anyway, we ate at Beyond India and we all sang happy birthday and stuff and it was great. Then we went to supermild and there was a line up and it was only like 1030 or something, seriously, someone should open up another bar so there is more than one place to go dance on a Saturday night…

So we made it inside and I order three vodkas with various mixers and the bartender goes
‘What kind of drink order is that, did you just get out of Yatala or something?’
…and so I said…
‘Why do you ask, is that where you learnt your f**king manners? Just pour the drinks you c**ksucker’

well, perhaps I didn’t say it out-loud, but ya know you can communicate a lot with a look…
i took an arty photo of tanyas face. why isnt it here?
would you rather be an arse faced weasel or a weasel faced arse?
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