Thursday, February 03, 2005
Big koalas and the meaning of life

Melbourne was great. Although I always think Melbourne could do with a run through the dishwasher. I think it may be the tram lines that make it look so messy and dirty, Tg had a good suggestion that they paint them light blue, to match the sky, but then on rethinking, they’de be better off painting them grey really if they’re trying to match the sky.

So the weather was shit from start to end but the Polyphonic Spree was a ray of sunshine. Actually, perhaps a ‘burst’ of sunshine is more descriptive. I think I love that guy, and he seems to love everyone. Went to Pony the next night, pretty much like supermild, but bigger and they attempted to have bands throughout the night, which didn’t really work, dancing was fun though. Got home just in time to see Anita and Ben leaving for work,

Pretty hung-over for the drive home, I didn’t think Tg was going to make it, and G had to work that night which had to be bad. But once we were out of the city it was all ok, we covered all the important topics, meaning of life, alien life forms, irrational phobias and which cryptic crossword is better (Women’s Weekly or Women’s Day).

BDO tomorrow is not going to be as good, should’ve just gone the Melbourne one, oh well, low expectations for these things is prolly a good thing.
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