Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Wednesday 8th
Got home from work with intentions of going out.
Decided to just go to bed.
9:30 felt sick
9:34 threw up
10:34 threw up
11:34 threw up
12:04 threw up

Thursday 9th

12:34 threw up
1:04 threw up
1:34 threw up
2:04 threw up
2:34 threw up
3:34 threw up
4:34 threw up
4:37 claire gets up and walks to the super market to get me medicine to stop me throwing up
5:14 claire makes me take medicine and drink disgusting rehydrating drink for babies
5:34 threw up
8:34 threw up
1:34 threw up

Friday 10th

8:00 woke up
9:00 left to go to la
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