Monday, January 06, 2003
Today, Sunday 5th.

Things not mentioned in previous posts that could have been:

My friend Morenna from work got arrested on new years eve and spent the night and the next day in jail.

Amy thinks Kid Rock is cute?

There was a storm the other day and it was so cold and snowing so hard that when i walked to the bus stop I nearly fainted cause i couldnt breath. It was like i was hyperventilating because the air was so cold.

I really miss milo and the cheese here is bright orange.

Making conversations:
"So are you here on holidays?"
"We here in america dont take holidays, we bust loose"

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Saturday the 4th Busy in day care. 12 babies, les...

Friday the 3rd Busy in day care. 12 babies, lots ...

Thursday the 2nd Huti got up at 6:30 am and made ...

Wednesday the 1st Decided that seeings new years ...

New Years 02/03 Claire and I hitched a ride home o...

I live in a condo with a jacuzzi and sauna across ...

Mammoth lakes is the town i live in. There are a ...

My sister has frost bite on her bottom. It all loo...

I bought a cool snow board. A burton feelgood, it ...

My sister once used to play a game where she'd shi...


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