Monday, January 06, 2003
Friday the 3rd

Busy in day care. 12 babies, lots of tears.

Got home around 6 and then Tina came in at about 605 clutching her wrist which had something sticking out in the wrong place.

Tooks some frozen peas and walked to the hospital which it turns out is a couple of blocks away. Tina knows this because 3 weeks ago she broke a rib from coughing too hard.

The emergency room at the hospital was the place to be. There were 3 people sitting with weird looking wrist injuries, 3 women with shoulder injuries and 3 with knee injuries all sitting in the hall way with ice packs and some in gowns.
Waiting Patiens: "Snowboarding or skiing?"
Tina: "Actually I fell on the ice infront of the Supermarket"
Waiting Patients: "oooooo" in a sympathetic tone
Tina: "How long have you been here"
Waiting Patients: "About 4 hours"

The radiologist came to do xrays and she was wearing ski pants.

The doctor came to put the cast on and he was wearing ski pants and a fleece.

Four hours later, Tina had been diagnosed with a broken wrist and had been put in a cast.

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