Monday, May 09, 2005
I just had my most embarrassing moment to date (well, maybe going over my handlebars in Year 8 just as the school bus went past while in my very short school dress was a bit more scaring, but this was pretty close)

It definitely tops when I had a mental blank on my first day as to what a hyphen was when four ppl were watching me type something and they kept going ‘hyphen’ and I just sat there until one of them had to lean over and type it for me.

And it tops the day my skirt split up the front seam right to the zip requiring me to staple it together until I got home

And it even tops Sny’s story from the other day when she rocked up at work wearing two different shoes.

We were setting up for a presentation and I plugged my computer into the projector, and I forgot, and everyone was standing around sorting it out, staring at the screen trying to get in focus, and I opened my email, and I'm reading it laughing, not realising that everyone in the room can see it on the screen! My boss casually goes, 'Watch what your doing there'.

I estimate the following text was on the big screen for at least 30 seconds

Mtt wrote:


i have given great thought into your silly esp clicking game...and after having bent my mind into a pretzel i have brought it back again by working it out.

I have decided that you communicate by feromones. and some sort of hormone thing that ladies have. I have also come to the conclusion that to be able to do this at least on of you must be on your rags ('ladies special time' - if you dont like the r word) at the time. It is during this time that most ladies go a little bit bonkers and seem to be able to communicate with the animals. im assuming you use the same powers for your celebrity clicking game...
if you would like to disprove this theory feel free to tell me what 'really' goes on. if not i will have to explain to everyone that you are both having your periods which is why you can do that. which could prove slightly embarrassing for the two of you.
i await your reply

TG wrote:

telling people i am having my period is not even in the ball park of my embarassment threshold. Funnily enough ~ and i spend so much time together that we actually ARE in sync...so maybe, you'll never know.

oh and its pheremones not feremones...

sorry to bring you into this ~ but sometimes men need to be put in their
place with a bit of menstrual talk.

By the way, the latter one from tg was actually first on the screen, so they would've read the whole of that one and at least half the other one.

How embarrassing.
Someone - perhaps a man - should point out to TG that embarrassment is spelled [or spelt] with two rs [no apostrophe required as it doesn't belong to anybody, least of all the r, nor is it a contraction].
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