Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Stress Campaign

Quick post so I don’t forget how relaxing my holidays are gonna be:

24th – Christmas shopping including market shopping for chrissy lunch
25th – Chrissy lunch at ma and pa’s.
Clr and I are cooking lunch and trying to keep Mums stress levels down. It’s pretty much impossible though and I’m pretty sure it’s not good for her at the moment. Clr and I have decided to go on a no stress campaign. I thought about buying mum the Dalai Lama’s guide to happiness, but I thought it might actually stress her out that I gave it to her.
26th – off to Edithburgh for big family chrissy dinner, lots of family invading the town for a couple of days, could go either way for mums stress levels.
28th – back to Adelaide, J’s family arriving for wedding, need to show them a good time cause they basically took us out to lots of nice places and paid for lots of nice dinners while we were in KL and Hong Kong. Hahahah, J has to pay.
29th-30th – get ready for best NYE party extravaganza at Clr and Ncs house.
31st - party :) cmon!
1st - clean up, hangover, get ready for wedding
2nd - Chrsta and Tms wedding, J has to dance with the bridesmaid in the wedding waltz hahhahhahah, prolly be made to get his hair cut to :(
3rd - relax
4th - back to work

Other Stuff

Got my ipod back after not having it for a week, omg, I love it so much, still, even after two years.

Looking at Msys sales figures the other day, Brter said, "jeesus, thats like less than double half of last year's"

Accidently sucked a whole ball of string up into the powerhead of the vacume cleaner.

Got asked for ID twice last weekend.

Someone stole the laptop and projector from work during the night, the door wasn't tampered with and the security cables were cut with bolt cutters.

Had our staff chrissy lunch, Nmh was telling us about how she was really nervous about putting her cats into cat care while she was on holidays, and Edy goes "yeh, we put our cat in there once, and when we got back we had to bury it"
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