Thursday, December 09, 2004
Bring me a butcher of beer Puffa.

Msy calls me at 5pm on her way to pilates to tell me about her day.

She’d just been on a radio quiz thing to win $10 000 and when she rang the girl answering phones asked her off air if she was single and she said ‘no’ and the girl goes ‘do you want to pretend to be single when you’re on air’ and she did, but she lost anyway.

She went to the country to visit a customer called Puffa who promised her next time she came he’d have bbq lunch with her.

While she was doing her work he organised for the kitchen to prepare a couple of steaks, walked to the chicken shop and picked up a whole heap of salads and some chips, set a table up with a candle and selected a really good bottle of red wine to go with the meal. So she had a candle lit lunch and drank half a bottle of wine, and then he put a schooner of beer in front of her, but she had to say “Pour that out puffer, I’ve had far too much, bring me a butcher instead”

So then, cause she’d clearly had too much to drive back, she spent the afternoon getting her nails done in the beauty parlour.

Hahahahahahha, I love Msy’s day.
Not one baby, but twoOh, and the other night at foos at mojo, whilst waiting to be beaten, we were talking about this super esky you can get from bunnings, and missi's description of it's size was 'you could fit 2 babies in it'.
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