K’s birthday last Saturday, her belly is a little bit bigger now, but still not really fatty though ;) . She has started wearing maternity tops which is pretty funni though. We went out to dinner at Tantino’s which was good, up until the end. I thought it would be nice to order a desert and get them to put a candle in it and so we could sing happy bday. So I whispered to the waiter and he goes ‘sure, I know exactly what you mean’ .
A couple of mins later, all the lights went out, and everyone looked, the waiter came out with this massive two tier cake, people started to sing happy bday and everything! He had brought us some other tables cake, for someone else’s bday, the other table were just going ‘what the?’ and I had to tell him it wasn’t ours, and he took it back. The whole restaurant laughed at him and he didn’t come out again all night.
I can’t believe it’s not Terry
Went out after that, met Nic and Tg and Bgs at supermild. Nic called Bgs Terry and Bgs didn’t say anything, then the second time Tg picked him up on it. Apparently Nic has thought Bgs was this Terry guy he went to school with for ages, and Bgs never corrected him. Nic thought it was strange that we were friends with Terry.
Went to Mojo after that. Tg tried to conquer her fear of being under things “I have never seen the pool table here collapse before, but what if it did while I was under it and I broke my back?” she didn’t go under in the end, chickened.