i did my footy tips on friday, but forgot to click the submit button.
about 30 mins later, i realised i forgot to click submit
so i went back and re did them.
today, i went to check how i was doing, and there were no tips submitted. i must have forgotten to click submit again!!! unbelievable.
Shot Down
Last night I dreamt that I got shot in the abdomen like four times and I was bleeding and dying and stuff, and no one would take me to the hospital or even call an ambulance for me.
All you guys were there and one by one you all refused to help me. You F***ers. It was really awful, your reasons were things like,
‘Oh, sorry I cant, I’m in the middle of doing nothing right now, otherwise I would, really, but it’s just that this pile of nothing is really important to me.’
‘Nah, sorry, I cant, someone else will do it for you soon, you’ll be ok’
I only remembered this cause I read mtb and she talked about her dream, otherwise I would totally have never known how awful you all are.
My new hairman.
Went to the hairdresser for the first time since last July!
I hate the hairdresser experience for all the normal reasons.
Because of these reasons, I don’t have a steady hairdresser, which actually makes all the reasons compound and be worse. The last person who did my hair was really good, but too far and too busy and too $$$
So, a new hairdresser has been chosen.
My hair basically looks pretty much the same as before in my opinion.
He put too much product in it and I’ll prolly have to wash my pillowcase tomorrow.
It took a whole hour (I only got cut, no colour).
He had hair machine hair badly (new-mullet moulded up to a asymmetric spike with blond streak diagonally down the back)
The other hairdresser was having a funny conversation:
“Yeh, this girl, no-one knows who she is, or where she comes from.. and she is just totally flirting with my boyfriend all the time, and I said it to him, and he was like…”
and then in walked her boyfriend and said
“hi, how long you gonna be?”
and she said
“nah, not long”
and he left and she was all freaked out and asking how long he’d been there and stuff, and my hairdresser goes “nah, he didn’t hear you, guess you learnt a lesson from that”
and she goes
“yeh, i sure did! That was close.”
and then resumes
“yeh, so right, he just lets her be all over him and stuff, and …etc”
Anyway, despite all this: one hour, $50, my hair being the same as b4, his hair machine hair etc. I like the guy and he pulls it off.
Michael is now my new hairman.
No need to shoutI just walked up to town and on my way, some man came right up to my face and shouted at me "EXCUSE ME, ARE YOU A CATHOLIC"
I considered this for a moment, as to the possible consequences of my various answering options and what my current book "How to be a lady" would say, then decided honesty is the best policy and said politely
Then on my way back from town, I wasn't staring on purpose, but some guy was nearly getting swooped on by a magpie from behind, and he didn't know what was going on. When he reached me he said "Hi, how's it goin' ?" as if I had clearly been admiring him from a distance. I would have replied "It's goin' pretty good." but it didn't sound ladyish enough and anyway he was walking too fast and I had no time to respond.
Im sooo tired today.
G.d. was ok last night, nothing to get so excited about although much controversy on jeem.
C finally picked up the book ordered for A ‘How to be a lady’
I think I pretty much qualify, but a few things need a bit of work so I’m going to take a few of the tips on board each day.
Today I had fire training and it was sooo boring. Last time I did this training I wrote a good post on it:
Powder verses CO2
Tuesday again, no meeting, training and development instead. We learnt how to use fire extinguishers today. There are six different types for varied types of fires and available at varying costs.
The presenter was a bit of a joker with a lot of cracks about how he became bald. There were also a number of methane jokes told. Three people were asked at the start of the training to go and grab a fire extinguisher of a particular type. They came back 10minutes later with only one extinguisher. We were all burnt to a crisp according to the bald presenter.
Saw a video of a house fire that started from a single match and got so hot a window burst after 2 minutes. The fire department takes 6 minutes to get to my workplace.
Powder extinguishers are $40 but they destroy electrical items such as computers the alternative CO2 extinguishers are $100 and are safe. Because they are cheaper we have only got powder extinguishers. If there was a fire we would use a $40 extinguisher and ruin $100 000 worth of equipment. Apparently we cant afford to buy CO2 extinguishers.
Science department asked - "Is that one sodium bicarbonate?"
PE department (in response to "has anyone used one of these in the last year") "yes, I used one I had lying around to teach my kids"
Tech Studies department asked - "what if a child is on fire, which one do we use then?"
However there is nothing to say but ‘SNORE’ today.
I have to tell you something
I notice, when people are going to break bad news to someone, they always say 'I have to tell you something' as a lead up, rather than just saying it.
This is useful as it prepares the person for something that could have a great effect on their life, or someone elses.
Also though, it indicates that that particular moment, could be the last moment in their life, where life is as they currently know it, and after they've said the something the have to say, it will never be quite the same again.
Open plan problems
I sit in a large room with 3 others, when I need to do work, I put on headphones and listen to stuff, this is an indication that I’m busy and don’t want to be interrupted. This doesn’t always work, no matter how long I ignore them, they still get through my headphone block.
Solution (currently in practice by naismi)
Everyone in the open plan office gets three balls, as soft or hard as required dependant on office politics. You get someone’s attention by throwing a ball at them, if it is a direct hit, they will respond. This way, you can only get interrupted as much as you interrupt, because there are only a limited number of balls available, and when you interrupt someone three times, you have to then wait until you are interrupted to get the chance to interrupt again.