Thursday, January 30, 2003
Last night:

Finally went to a house party. Yey. It was in the area of town they call the ghetto. Don't know why, its actually pretty nice in the ghetto, I felt comfortable.

It was in employee housing called joaquin (pronounced whakeen) and the fine issue was avoided as it is managed by a member of mountain security and he was at the party handing out tequila shots.

We met someone from the ice rink and he told us that mammoth ice rink team was putting on a production of Grease on Ice and he was playing John Travoltas part.

Then we went to La Sierra's the dingy bar with pool tables and foose ball that often has serial killer types with cowboy hats sitting at the bar.

Claire played pool with these guys and kicked their arses. She made a joke about them being a couple and the guy cracked at her saying he was born and bred in mammoth and there is no way he was ever a ******* *** . Claire got scared and wouldnt play anymore.

Got home at 2 and fell asleep on the couch with my contacts in. Woke up at 5 30 and my eyes were stuck together. Had to leave for work at 7:30. Consequently didnt feel like going riding today and have already broken my vow to go out every day.

One of the instructors came to me today with a scrappy piece of paper in hand and asked me if I would type it up for him. Apparently it was a contract between his housemates and him about the car they share and who's responsibility it is to look after it and pay for repairs in various situations. For example, he made a clause

" If one of the above mentioned owners takes the vehicle out of mammoth lakes juristriction and damage is caused by unforseeable circumstances out of said persons control then said person must pay any additional costs due to the car being out of mammoth lakes juristriction (such as towing) but other costs for repair will be split between all owners"

Said contract was two pages of similar hypothetical situations.

I couldnt read his writing and he told me they wrote it when they were drunk. I said i wouldnt type it but he could use the computer in my office. He typed it up and made my friend ali witness it.

This afternoon Dermot Mulroney came in and bought a ski lesson for his son. If you dont know who he is then here is his shrine:
Dermot Mulroney
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