Wednesday, April 13, 2005
To Tallandoon I go

ETA: 29th April

So I’m moving from my new style Wakefield St city living town house to Tallandoon, a charming old leafy suburban bungalow in Wayville that comes with three excellent new housemates.

This means a new bathroom:people ratio previously 2:3, soon to be 1:4

and I’m also moving from having a boyfriend-on-call to being a girlfriend-living-in

and from an active cleaning/shopping/cooking environment to a somewhat more passive cleaning/shopping/cooking environment

Despite the obvious possible issues that may come up and my devastation at losing my two current housemates to their new city love nest, I’m actually really looking forward to it at this moment in time. I embrace change.

In other news:

Rk did extremely well in the poker open placing 9th in the end. C’mon rk, update your blog pls!!

Jn has to have his knee reconstructed which = 2days in hospital, 2 weeks off work and 6 months or so of rehab. Luckily he goes into hospital the Monday after I move in, so he will still be able and willing to help me move! Yey.

http://adelaideindex.com/ has us all listed in its blog directory! And tani makes the blurb, hahahaha.

The weekends:

Friday, Went to the opening of the Austral’s bunker, not sure what they were trying to do here, but it’s not really a venue, and it’s not really a restaurant, and there are a lot of bare walls, and I think I’m nostalgic for the old beer garden and I very well may be living in the past. I ran into a couple of ex students, I tell ya what, it’s a bit weird.

Saturday, My sisters party was a good one, despite the weird gatecrasher, who turned out to be kinda funni in the end and just wanted an audience for his interpretation of the theme song from Transformers. Got kicked out at about 1am or something and Clre moved the party to shtz, which was so smokey that tg nearly fainted and had to go outside. Where she was chatted up by two 19 year olds and I got stuck with some idiot who managed to insult everyone who I was having good conversation with. Everyone went home in dribs and drabs and I ended up last man standing and winning pool!! Nice.
Happy Bday Clr!! Again, hahaha, sucked in, she’s 30 now.

Friday, Went to the zoom short film thingo at the Mercury, stayed for just over an hour or so, saw ‘Napolean of Burnside’ which despite being very much like a highschool drama project, had a very good sound track and was really funny too. Eddie’s entry ‘Fitz gets rich’ was heaps good and got my vote, clever, funni, nice animation and also having a good soundtrack featuring Peter Combe! There were a couple of other really good ones too, but also a couple of really shite ones, as you’de expect, typical serious emotional relationship bs that is very hard to watch and really who cares, it’s not that interesting, but overall I’m glad I went.

Saturday, Went to Henley to another 30th. Ran into some ppl who I haven’t seen for a long time, like this girl who was best friends with my sister in primary school and my most vivid memory is of her and my sister pouring a full bucket of iced water (with big chunks of ice) on me while I was in the shower. They also used to beat me up a lot, I was kind of annoying at that age though. Anyway, surprisingly, I felt no animosity to her what so ever.

Sunday, Extended family dinner, had an argument with Jn that lasted the whole way there that consisted of me saying ‘It’s at Zacs’ and him saying ‘You told me Estias’ over and over (unusually, neither of us were shouting). So when we got to Zacs and found out it was at Estias, I was pretty much in for a lot of pain for the rest of the night, and I was right. There was a little ray of sunshine though, my brand new second cousin Emily was there and she is really very very cute. I even got to see photos of her half out of the womb (cesarean style), which sounds gross, but was a pretty amazing thing to see!
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