Thursday, March 17, 2005

Nothing is happening really.

Couldn’t find anything to listen to today. Finished up first with Beatles Abby Road and Sgt. Peppers and now Beck Sea Change. Not bad actually, but not really waking me up at all.

I’m very tired after lunch today, went to San Giorgio’s and didn’t order pasta for this very reason, but it seems, im soo tiired anyway, so its bye bye sanG’s for me.

My head still hurts from falling up the stairs a couple of nights ago with a bowl of hot dinner in a rush to get back to my poker game which I lost anyway.

Yey! Msy gets back today from her 2 wk trip down south. So that’s good.

And Clipsal 500 is on. I get woken up by car zooms every morning and instead of my phone telling me I’m in Adelaide, apparently I’m in a V8 supercar or something. It’s good though, the city comes alive, but actually it’s more like a ghost town on my way to work, cause they have blocked off all the streets I walk through.

Oh, and it’s St Patricks Day today too.

Finished my sister’s 30th invitation. This is a mini version of it.

I’m reasonably happy with it, but I think the new years one was better, although my sister is pretty cute, esp in her rollerskating outfit, so that makes up for everything.

Started reading poker books, well, I’ve read a bit of one, I think it is destroying my game, but apparently this happened to rk too when he started reading up, so perhaps in a couple of months I’ll be off to my first $1 000 000 tournament. Hope so, I can handle the interim losses if that’s what happens.


Friday there was a massive flood at work.

Friday night headed up to Loxton for a brunatex gig. Stayed in the backpackers and mtb got bitten by bed bugs. Gig was good, not many ppl though cause it was a bit early in the day, but mtb counted 90 ppl paying attention.

It was Chelsea’s bday on Sat night, that was fun, ran into this guy from my primary school who I saw in the paper not so long ago cause he was in court for taking naked pictures of some chick or something. Then went to shots, apparently I said it was good, but then thinking back I really don’t think it was, but I must have been having an ok time.

Cousins baby shower on Sunday, few rellies in the backyard, some cheese, strawberries and champagne. My cousin said that she also craves ice, and yes, pregnant women are 3 to 4 degrees hotter than normal. When Ktya was preggas, she used to go through drive through and order a sml coke and a large cup of ice.

Brunatex are recording at the moment too, so j comes to my house at like 1am everymorning, this seems to wake me a bit and I have been remembering some pretty vivid dreams. I seem to go to extremes in my dreams, they are usually full on horror dreams with murder and blood, or really really sad like last nights, occasionally they are happy, like the one I had a while ago where I was in Africa and I stopped to look at a giant snail on the path and then a stampede of animals came at me but when they reached me they all turned into people and started dancing.
how do you fall up stairs?
In many ways, the whole process of personal growth is like living life in a stairwell. We are constantly trying to make our way to the top. Yet there are obstacles. The steps, themselves, sometimes prove to be a problem. Each time we take a step up, we are closer to our destination. Sometimes, though, we become too tired to go on. Sometimes we don't pick our feet up high enough, and we trip. And occasionally, we may even lose our balance, and if we fall, the tendency should be to fall forward up the stairs, rather than backwards. We may have periods in our lives when we get tripped up, but if we are moving up the stairs, it is easy to pick ourselves up and keep going. If we quit trying, that is when we begin the fall that takes us downward.
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